Bandpass Filters are commonly used to isolate narrow emission or absorption features from a broad spectral range within analysis instrumentation. Multiple filters are often used within a selction mechanism such as a filter wheel. These filters are traditionally manufactured using cemented structures utilising soft coatings. Envin offers such filters in a wide range of wavelengths (FWHM 1nm, 3nm and 10nm for the range 337 to 1550nm)
For more environmentally stable products with longer useful life Envin manufactures Hard Coated Filters with superior performance and greater flexibility of design parameters for the Instrumentation Engineer. (Choice of FWHM in the range 200 to 8000nm). These Filters are hard, durable and environmentally stable and can therefore be produced in a variety of shapes and sizes. This final sizing step is carried out at Envin where finished filters are produced from 1mm square to >100mm diameter. Thickness can be as low as 0.2mm and special considerations such as flatness and parallelism are routinely catered for.
Detailed Optical performance measurements are made using the highest standard Spectrophotometers (Perkin Elmer Lambda 900 & 983G).
Envin is able to offer a complete service from Coating and Filter design to prototyping and full manufacture covering the Ultraviolet, Visible and Infrared regions. Custom products are a speciality of the company.